Talent Quest: Recruitment Event Part 3 of 3
There are many ways a gift could be used to carry out the duties of a Community Builder, as we consider using the Person Specification as a recruitment tool we keep this in mind. Skilled in communication does not mean every good communicator has the same communication gifts. The necessary abilities for the functions of the role should be balanced with natural qualities such as approachability and warmth. That balance should be informed by what your communities will find most relatable and able to connect with.
We should also keep in mind that skills, abilities, qualifications are not the same as gifts. Gifts are innate to the person, perhaps seen as talents but often developed from a natural gift and interest that the person is self-motivated to pursue. A gift can often encompass and demonstrate a whole set of skills and abilities. As we envision a stronger future for our communities we look to see how gifts of individuals throughout the community can be given the opportunity to connect with the gifts of others. Connections that bring about a sum that is greater than the parts – these are the assets and strengths that are essential to community building.
In this part we share resources that will help with preparing and evaluating a Recruitment Event. Our key piece of advice for this is: use the Person Specification as a guide to what you want to look for, but look at finding what is wanted within the gifts on offer, regard a list of qualifications, skills and abilities as topics for conversation. A person will feel welcomed, interesting and valued when encouraged to talk about their gifts, rather than investigated and judged.
In ABCD Community Builder Recruitment Pack Pt1 we share notes on preparation, how to approach observations and recording how strongly evidenced what has been demonstrated to help ensure observations in a final plenary can be discussed and moderated. We’ve also included suggestions for the Recruitment Event activities and the assessments that can be wrapped into it. In ABCD Community Builder Recruitment Pack Pt2 we have a set of documents that can be used or adapted as observation and recording sheets. We expect that a great deal will be open for exploration, so we have to do the task of ensuring plenty of information is captured, this way decisions can be made that are fully informed and without haste. Much of what happens on the day will only reveal its value in the conversations that follow.
For the Community Builder role we suggest that Learning Conversations are good practical exercises that if utilised in the Recruitment Event, would offer plenty of scope for gifts to be shared. Learning Conversations can be used as an approach to one-to-one conversation that is better than a formal interview and as practical exercises for applicants to participate in on the day.
Learning Conversations are key to discovering assets. They are intentional, relationship building efforts, that help Community Builders and Connectors understand the wide range of gifts, talents, resources and passions that exist across their community.
- Invitation conversation. Transformation occurs through choice, not mandate. Invitation is the call to create an alternative future. What is the invitation we can make to support people to participate and own the relationships, tasks, and process that lead to success?
- Possibility conversation. This focuses on what we want our future to be as opposed to problem solving the past. It frees people to innovate, challenge the status quo, break new ground and create new futures that make a difference.
- Ownership conversation. This conversation focuses on whose organization or task is this? It asks: How have I contributed to creating current reality? Confusion, blame and waiting for someone else to change are a defense against ownership and personal power.
- Dissent conversation. This gives people the space to say no. If you can’t say no, your yes has no meaning. Give people a chance to express their doubts and reservations, as a way of clarifying their roles, needs and yearnings within the vision and mission. Genuine commitment begins with doubt, and no is an expression of people finding their space and role in the strategy.
- Commitment conversation. This conversation is about making promises to peers about your contribution to the success. It asks: What promise am I willing to make to this enterprise? And, what price am I willing to pay for success? It is a promise for the sake of a larger purpose, not for personal return.
- Gifts conversation. Rather than focus on deficiencies and weaknesses, we focus on the gifts and assets we bring and capitalize on those to make the best and highest contribution. Call upon people to surface their core gifts and talk about how these can make a difference and change lives.
For more information on Learning Conversations:
7 Top Tips For Supporting Citizen Driven Community Building – Part 3
7 Top Tips For Supporting Citizen Driven Community Building – Part 4
Stagepost 11 Questions that can change everything
These ideas have been brought together in The Good Life Conversation, you can download the resource pack here.
We hope in the materials we have shared in this three part series you find enough ideas to get you started in planning your recruitment. Whether your organisation has considerable experience or is just starting out, the task of recruiting new team members is important to get right. We believe that through an ABCD approach and using conversation as the primary tool much can be brought to the surface which will assist in achieving the future visions of your communities. As ever Nurture Development is here to be alongside you in your journey, if there is any help we can offer please do get in touch.
Rashid Mhar
Talent Quest: Job Description Part 1 of 3
Talent Quest: Person Specification Part 2 of 3