Learning and Development Offer

ABCD Training Part 1

This training has been designed to bring together the ABCD Institute’s 30 years of community development research in the USA, with Nurture Development’s 21 years of international research and practical experience of community development and pioneering approaches in other strength based work across the world.

Participation in ABCD Training Part 1 opens up access to the going deeper, growing impact sessions of our Part 2 workshop.

ABCD Workshop

What will you learn over the two days?

This workshop will:

  • Give you an understanding of the history of ABCD, relating it to your experience of community development.
  • Explain the 5 guiding principles of ABCD in both theory and practice.
  • Identify the 6 building blocks or assets of community building, exploring how these can be identified, connected and mobilised in the neighbourhood context.
  • Share the 8 touch stones of community building, offering stories and examples of their application.
  • Identify the ABCD Tools for Change: e.g. Learning Conversations & Asset Mapping.
  • Involve you in activities and exercises that you can then use in practice where you live and/or work.
  • Use stories and case studies of ABCD in action from our Learning Sites, in the UK and around the world, to highlight effective practice.

What will you be able to do after this workshop?

Take ABCD into action in living neighbourhoods in a way that is respectful of the local context; and ultimately create safer, healthier, more economically and environmentally vibrant places to live. You will be able to use what’s strong in the neighbourhood where you live and/or work to deal with what’s wrong, but also make what’s strong, stronger.

Click here to download the workshop brochure

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