Welcome to Nurture Development‘s first blog.
Nurture Development was founded in Ireland by Cormac Russell in order to better understand how social change can be both genuinely citizen led and grounded in social justice.
This remains at the heart of what drives us as an organisation. From the outset Nurture Development has held to the view that everyone has skills and abilities that when connected with others in a shared purpose can contribute to the transformation of neighbourhoods, towns, cities and even countries.
But we are not naive, we neither romanticise the concept of community, nor do we collude with those who seek to diminish its potential. Over the last decade many communities across the world have become fragmented and retributive. We believe that this presents both the greatest challenge to, and the most compelling opportunity for, enduring social and environmental change. We are resolute in the conviction that the best way to transform society is to build more connected and caring communities from the inside – out.
The language, principles and conceptual frameworks of ABCD continue to illuminate the work of the Nurture Development team and are at the very heart of who we are and how we act for change.
Nurture Development is particularly proud to be working alongside so many fellow change makers who support strengths based community building. Our collaborations now extend well beyond Ireland and include several partners in England, Scotland, Sweden, the Netherlands, Canada, Australia, South Sudan, Rwanda, Kenya (and soon in Singapore).
Why not visit our website to find out more about our organisation.