As 2016 draws to a close….
As a team at Nurture Development, we have the privilege of learning alongside 1000’s of citizens, practitioners and leaders every year. As 2016 draws to a close we’d like to thank you all for sharing your stories, insights, practice and dilemmas. We’re always blown away by the ingenuity of citizens and savvy practitioners.
As so many of us head into a few weeks of a well earned rest and fun; where our fridges will filled to over flowing and emptied regularly. We thought we’d end this year’s blogging with a very simple but inventive citizen led way to spread the wealth this Christmas. The idea captured in this short 3 mins video below, in our minds, demonstrates what happens when citizens mobilise to share their gifts with others. This isn’t about personal behaviour change, it is in essence about the work of ABCD. Which is 1. to enhance and support local residents’ capacity to make visible their assets. 2. To support and enhance connection of those assets.
Here’s to a 2017 filled with citizen-led action like this.
Have a great festive season, we look forward to learning together in 2017 and beyond.
The Nurture Development Team