This is a compilation of videos on Asset-Based Community Development, featuring key figures such as John McKnight and John Kretzmann (Jody), both co-directors of the Asset-Based Community Development Institute.

You will also find videos of community building efforts and stories from other organisations and residents which we admire and want to share as widely as possible.

In this 30 minute film John McKnight gives his keynote speech about the history, practice and future of Asset Based Community Development.

See more about the ABCD Festival and other speakers.

This is a 40 minute film of Peter Kenyon’s speech to the Asset Based Community Development Festival.

See Bank of Ideas where Peter Kenyon is a lead consultant:

A Croydon local residen shares her learning on Asset-Mapping and how she is currently using it.

John McKnight, co-founder of the ABCD Institute, is a gifted

This short clip at the Toronto Summer Institute reminds us
we are all lifelong learners.

“There were a lot more relationships among people to support each other. That a neighbor meant something more than the person who lived next door.

We didn’t have anything like the kind of support programs that we have now Unemployment Comp or Social Security, any of those things, Medicaid.”

As Director of Seattle Department of Neighborhoods, Jim Diers managed the development of 13 little city halls, 37 community-driven plans, 75 community gardens, and a Neighbourhood Matching Fund that has supported more than 3,500 community self-help projects.

Through the use of numerous examples on his presentation, he explores the key steps towards fostering effective community-government partnerships.